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Skyrim Special Edition Remove Enchantment Mod: A Guide to the Best Mods for Disenchanting


What do you get for all of that work? You get an armor set with the same armor rating as Iron Armor and weighs five units less. There's no special perk, enchantment, or any unique aspect to this armor set beside its absurd unlock requirement. It only takes an Iron Ingot to temper, but anyone with Daedric Smithing unlocked is most likely capable of crafting an armor set better than this. It's no contest; this is the worst heavy armor set in Skyrim.

For your answer : this keyword is used to tell if you are allowed to disenchant an item to learn its enchantment or not. Typically used on unique items with unique enchantments such as the spellbreaker. So yes it's safe to remove it, that's how you create an "artifact disenchanting" mod.

Skyrim Special Edition Remove Enchantment Modl


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