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Imvu Credits Hack Pro V6.1: The Ultimate Cheat for Imvu Credits and VIP


J fl1ESJN1UESThYJANUARY3193L r I T I r II II PLUCKY HA ING IN TilE MUDc v I n EH INI > nrTiKH irv FIr ourWl si V u KM HACKLnrn K Flrl In I Ue SIHr nnd n Ilntf Raeet Luke Ulueklmntii JtmiRhter Hi 1O to tHe t > Luke Illurklinrno OdiUoa HonM X good clan ot winter horse ran on a randdr track At Quttonhuti yosterdnr and thex booVmnkors had rallior the Lost of the nmotiotvtUhstanJInc tliruo fnvorltofl won TonatartoO In tlio first race n scramble for maidenIc threo7 arolil at four nod a halt furlonirswith Ads D and Borvltor even favorites Tliot flue Unshod to n poor start Olga a 10 to 14 Vc hot fretting the best ot II followed by liarTa nod Ilnl 1I Tlio trio hold the advantage to the finishI Ola winning easily by n length aol I halfllavlAr eottlnc second ilnco throo length3 In front ot Pink H The favorites trailed Inq With the tuck The talent went down lionrllyt on UlacVburn In the second raen They tentthe ton ot Iuke lo the post an odds on favoritet butorerlooked Luke dauchter Out of Bighti who want becalnu a 10 to 1f Out of Bight ran In sight nt the front all the1 r WiT winning ID acalloii by a length Oludlap tor beating Illackburn for second place MichI aol F Dwrors castoff Alrplant third choiceI 4 In tho third race a handicap at six furlon nrtran with his nock clear of Innway the favorIte until Btrmhtened out In tho homoxtrntoht Whtra Inferno look Vanwavft place reachingF AlrplitntB oars as they crossed the line Inuway came In third tbor 9 lengths behind InfernoiTorlt came to the front In the last half oft proeranimo Laura I top choice proved Ir a aunr In the hnlIJloa a mite ald B halff truggIe by beatIur Sir luorge II by abo other atratllfll rn loSom I IIc ont obole on tbo Ilh mel In a gallop hyLength 1avorban ml llathlt Inreto CIJt lenttb8 for 111 1IRCt Miss Uc1h thel y oot on cinch won thick Illt rleo easily andv IuJsc Olenloohr beaded Joo Courtney oC lor Uie> nnsT RJcrVuria400 fornialileu tureoyearoMi ttllltif fourml ft hair furlongt V t abwar 8tablel br r Olra by Puaittr Mar ManV ley I 118aroll 1z Cbraw Slab I b e liar far 10HIrl IB Bradlafa li I rink II VU MorrU aHetTliude Ulnnla 1 K nily AdO 3 Irian colt Htial 1 iV V piantbacoll ant AiliOtla nily alO ran lime u tUIleutBK Ilakll Tea 1 aualait UIga G to 1 May Tiy 10 tu 1I L EEposn niceV Fqr 4OO telllnf I flrlhlhu I or arallaTrail Toiler ch r Out nrKiznt 4 W l > Luke DuckburnOttilia lUJiNlllll 1W eGotlonebr r Haillator 4 110IT Plylin 2EJDownIeibIu llliirktiiirn a llCKUartlni 3VA V f Batberland Klilir t uml Aiinpnun nlo ranTime 1U3U Hotlluz Ten In I uualnit out ut Sight 110 to 6 OUJlator 10 luin Jllac brat v i TillIU RACEt 4 i t IIan41rap purl e r00 Ihreeiiuartcnof nACr a mla Caiey mp c Alrplaut t 4 by umiutur 8 01V Ml IN Mill f IV V I r 111111 Inferno II inu Martini 2J Uradlera CD r fanwar 4 ml I 1 fitiwartl aKiomnvton she ran Time JtltrJU Ilettlnic Tbret1 IJyI3 I aausy ni ft Iialt to t afMrit I Alrplaut Wto6 lufrno M to ftroURTU HACK1 Fun ti > OO ellhur one and n bolt xnllA lieeler eh in iuura r li by Atllla FaonleHIM I lOUtJ aaMtt 1t A Tbompioin br n Kir Uenrfo ii 114 Morrln 2J I UrnVlM h I r Vrail 1411 iBoylel allailor tit Johnand liockaway ftliu ran TitueV oii If loTi2i3ir Heltliut I To to 1 airalnit Laura tt ll to 1 Mr1 Jeorse I I to 1I red Lienmi jucr41 Iuraa 1400 Or1 toyearoii lelllru bait a mil1 II Jimler I li r I tioitom br Uegrge Munoy >F Aiipl lllotMnni or Clay i 1I I E Ctihi > atorlian Silly U4 II > V Ifcn > 2i I Baden Btablya I I cb o luniertiir i O Iff Mann j i 4TICHOMHJJ lltttlng Tlireli InTi un JllOiloia IS to1 ajaluil ravolbati till 7 to I liupectur Uf hlllll 1IACErorsa 1400 Mlllng memtlflni ol Eailcn tilablea b DI tin IMIc U 1 br Prince ChILinnet Ill Martin IC i 1 J3Jurray b liclltulochy I r h 110 llallinll 2I f Houlihan1 club Joe Courtney mel l 117 UIynck 3t Din Voyage Van Dyke Vera nnil II HcadllKlit I also ranTil 1 jo 1 V V V galait iUuloeliy 7 l lo 3 Joe CourturTodf Etrlu at Gnttenbnrar1 Flrl l1aeFor btat n horfei lnJ ilx 1 furlonfRCraft lli Count Luna lint Hulbmtmi llo Keltuiiiolin Taiuuany Hall 113 UttleTnfdnr IllLtuiiail I UaigieKllI I Kmcdanr liw Kph 118ti aciu4 lorlmttntwicjtaroMi ahhIflii > UreaV urlonp Iuy Ic Aldlu lot nil aM Vhile11111 IzQ lnee 11 Annie fi UI UU Anxiety lilly II I aQta ITOII 1120biN laaFoU14 a halt rloJ celilni flirtItar 11 Mayor 11UI Vrb Lryau kdi t Lnureuika nil I trTlia uttI IV ouin Jtftc Z Out tlI Betlluir I 1rlnca lion aril 1 1h1 Jaox fiiife Ill horrenle 105 1ersutcuco 1U4 fleau UehrlC4 I Ianwafilliu Raf 1 FivoelKlitbii nf a mit solltnir 10tt 1 liannas lott Hweeibreud 10d lloiiKnon 101 llernyu1U3 1 Iiiitltn t tlMnnrill Mnrr j oil 3Mi i ry Nit 1lUxth racn 1 Hereielhth > of a nine xllinit MtelL kr 1U2 Kitra 132 sir V Utr Jtalelyu 13 uricuwleli 124 Marcillui 114u riJtt 4 llnckcm ofFavorKei Win at ClourtalerF PHILADELPHIA 010ur favorites won4 4 tfllouaostertOdny All the winner were wellplureil with the exception of ConundrumI irst I Iou and a batr furlonvK Apollo 1 15l V 8 to t A i dlanlnrtieti glInt Illlle a lid 5ln I 2 10 ianckii aicimO llnrniur ilory 10 I to 1 1 MrncIt tbirullmeonMa 1 Ihetnnil Tlitee Fife rurlonri fllrnmar 10 T 10 2letter fret Karl H iou H In 1 Uacey urnnd altt > na i5 12 to 1 Corbley third TIUJI I UViThird Kare Kix and a halt rurloniri Ilium 10 >Ctm Lenilruim fot Iee h 116 In to 1 iManloreiMrond Ldilie Sl t 105 lil MorrlitiO I third Time1MKV Vourtb Race One tulle 1oct H3 r in 1 Uoiebrflriti RalelRb irj 5 tn 2 Minlote Ulobfu Queen 4 11 InOICvrbley I thIrd Time l48kQml Itacclour 114 v 105 3to2 YttitrL nr > t Anile Mlznhrlli tm ru 2Kllllami lecond Zln5iirft WA 2 to I 1 lillit thirdi TlmUM14i itlxtb i Raru ii I and oue Lair forbore rnntindrum110 H dlO 1 Canon hunt 1 Imiiiet I ito a tol Mo oyi11Jaerond llo 1 ton Touiiuy 110 JUto 1 J iitiliiui I tUIrdtuoritime 1 U37iThe entries for tomorrow arer TInt noOn aud otie klxtefntli miles JuiKlert uddnUi 10U each VsnUMU National iMille M1 Alou fdl13 ilrphnnt I Neil iarllnir ant eneiSeiunil ltavYour end K Ii4lf furlong three f arV Id 01 uulri ns haul 1 Buitfliaui Sue Ihi her cullV V lllfUey Harry lllnkion llir > lle filt tap McciieinuyI V lltn 100 Wllilili h colt Majolica roll luJ eacbi Ayllti IV Tblrd Face flu ant l a quarter fiirlnogs Tloxn 110Uald of Hlarixr lur Clllzru Unllno II lot eiebUnie Ilnwnril loti roqrtb haretour ant a loIf l lurlnnei Dine WindLord SIAnlf I huxopla uiIdut > ItKhard I K loit Urquit Cotnlijiter ill rach fpiviiU jruylock llut eacheachhttti Ilneelhie fiirllnji Hmvl 1rll llllle ILIIOwen olden i luSearli Iuuirnle MacUrtuur Ilmerilalr 1 IU4 ai II hrlxtli KaceFonr old a hut furlonri Harry llmicll1 I Juiky even Imiiyiiuii J 1 Ilethy Ilannrr llourerBliikniallcr daruuoJ JkcUUau V > tuilu I llieub IIi Ititvlnic ReunIte Is l New OrtenaiNnw OiiLGiNii Iq Jan aoThe trick wasfairly fast toduy4 HrntnacerivnanJalnlf fiiron Dirk Ijiillilaii Ii Jllll isantunlir tn C l won rUvrni 1 bv it lenmti ll l 11111111 Illeimunill ilU to I ureolid Hen Oabucl IMIV Sarretit 3 I lthiril J Tim lui II itinpid 1llle ii flirionri JurtIuund 111 IIInc 11tJrltotioihi ci tic o htrJclhy ty Itirri litighistait ice II lJ 14 iaruotJ tl I r t tic I ecolth hillyUU 1tt7 IIkn I i itt I hunt 1i cii ru I 1144 I1 tint Hnciiing ehi tutU R huarter firrnglnarn 14 I 111Iell ri I won Iuo rrllnIll iSurelit Ktn 1 I 111 111 ninnil UauUuja llu llnioltiabA ttilrI Tlm liU 1 I IUOIA ltrourth Iticehfllinif KletiMUtrtntlii iiC n mile14 Cinn feiriall Nil KUj 11111 u 1 H lo I I nun ImiilllyWarplot life Mclttiail u tu V iroiiil May Ilerilyu Ill iaul nliy Ililrl I 01 I 11 ltf Hlb JheteJlitiihleup iii 1 lurlun llrerneiirinuSanenij 2 tn I I won iUierly lij t trnr Itximbaril 112 hanfuril K l lo r h > ri > iiil 1 i tun uaruiaV lat 12 btucky Htu 1 tlilrl I Him 111 II Nnr lne al Babyg r CUICAOO Jan HO Tliero wno I hog killingonllutoln tlio third taco ut lloby todayHelen Wren In the second wan another turpriceITIrtt Rrou anil a half ruroni InrnuintoilaV flrt remily iecoliL Inriou ililril Iliac InolllodMrODd Karalire and a half lurlin 0 HelenTime Wren lilfU nut Imiioitnuc itconil Mo > Terry liilnlt Tbird I aceIll t furlong Ilulu tint reil Dak err4wJ MiUinlytulril I llmr l liMJi In Fourth tareaewn Mrlnnn Iv Jrrome nritL Johnny 1X4 Campotll tteoud IUII Clark Iblrd llmr1X41nh llacc lourand alialf furlonv Pearl r flriKlclle I John second llllie loolnillhlrJ Time OIThe Vlnnrr nt lion thornt Cilicioo Jan MOnu favorite two outr1 alder iiml two second chulcia won at lltiwl t borne todayrirM Rare five furloiini Cubtiiilrtl Carmen leey4 t4 hell Amrloiianon third liuif 11 l 4b roud lar ritn riuAUk Ju hnott JUt I l Quo4tat Ion Mnonil Mule Annie ilnril 1 rime I 8flTbml Baoe iniemile Hilly nnktrltn tlri koutbni tfcily crionU Caralla lluid Iliue 14rJ4 1rourtil iiace MX Inuniirf I TIMII imim ni it lanlallevn verouil Ilutun leg Ktrd tbirit I Time I IMj Ii Hftu Bace Hire mrluri lop 1 liallaiit lint UKlev Lcbu ticond Tlioiunllilfl l Tilur HInt 11 wtl4 flood fur Ioiil > llteK li > rUe flubV I tuisvul1 Jmi tOTlio rntrlus for theetV spring stakes of thee JoiiUvIlie Jockey hubpubllthuj today muLo the lament bliowlnIn the history of Kentuckyhlllor 1fnlurkY roll Lad yearhthe nomination were ncarlr all from Kenb tucky and llm Houtli TlilH yeir tlit > y comeV from New erhu ti > Oillfiiiiila from Chicagot to New Orleans and en friiin nlund hlca6oTh IlurttliHiriio Mnku UuU off with IUntrlrs llunnymvde let with HTi Alex4 ruler ill IJflhvcV tali KiTturky llandlcH I1 fi7 Mrrrhnntv 4 r > Tlu > llrrlir Hlldlcllt ilitik Btiilfri iivcrtcnto liili more maklnc In i1lrtJnlo t1 il1 H7 > > enttine for thu nn iinke DIInlThn entries ma of lilli Inir the KentuckyIfnthioi Including Mich pirforturr cii Wait Ii wrlhJ Ida rifkwlrk Jiet I hr k vtnert Lrt Jfclen eauully AlctiolK famous Tullk UUivkluru iud i4 VHltBAT HAIK OF TBOTTKRBCol IN Broillieari f WooOburn Fares rr11JUO for VaUltMTrxtvaTdV Jan IU The spring sal le otTatlcrsalls lirusfleld Company begun herotodnr under fnvorable circumstances Theprices were satisfactory the slxtr head offered bringing a total of iOar > 0 an averageofoU5t liter head Vatican was purchased brCot T Ilrndhead of Woodbnrn Farm forS11ill Thoia which brought o or overfollowAililer b r 3 br Vatican dam by Marabrlnnlioyi Mlor I f I Mkarlltford Klchiioad Ky 12t Watlran ioJI rjI a 14 by Bohnont dam byllamlillulaii Ill Wwiibuin rnrm lllVrnneeia V li r jearllnr by ntlran dam byIltrinotiti Jaine r Iallonar Louiivll 830Jtaiinle b f 4 IIJT Yonmtllm data by 1gbrtl I lc I T uiinult AlehroniiJ COOret bird br o = by tar Bird item by dovtrnorpracllrJ Ur Hnimlt Uilnglon COOBiunl Mcilrefiir 211114 I a by I llobrrt Uiirnnr ilam liy Recuniiructioni 10br Kuhey la > ln I > lon 170Dat mil A by Baron Wlltea n by Uuylerirtroiik Curry Unlorlni 10 Lnrllne fu i f 1 by Kobert MxUrecor dam byHappy ilidluuti John IE Madden WIlllmI tv e2 by lIchen Mcilreiror date byllappr Meiliurei John K I Madden 1 COJBlnvo b I n 2 by rmpire nuke Jam by Erie> iiniia Freiidy Uinr > nr I K i 11 by llolurl Mrilrrfordam by Uatubrlno Kaflei 1 I r 1 W Kuux Trautun CMTIll iroHIK AND CAttniAOK TRADETho Uurkel Somewbni IlnttNovr la theTime for IlmtntMHThe rerplle In the sleltthlnc carnival followed by the muddy condition of the roadshas put a damper on the carriage and sleighttrade during tho past few days and buMnosiIn the horse mInts after the large auctionsales of lant weak ls rather dulL IVan Tossell t Kearneys regular sales worefairly well attended Darcalns In matchedMlri ot carriage horxos weru secured at fromS2Mi to sr 2 > and fair trotters t that can stopout In stylo went tl from SiX to 2P > eacliUranuTilhoraosof extra powerful build nowbring from ICO toSiXlO wliilo uond horses torcenern use eau bo bought from 180 to 20 1emujihl1etlers tooL for an aar1 lmrrovemcnt In timcarriage trade Klatidrcnii il Co Van Ta nill t nt llanajtr Treaiurer llujUTncLcr the uuii oifreri a > hail year The team willhold their itMMmil nuuM stag at IUe rluli boiiie IMIrl 23 4ar tic well Ltiown Ditle nrlliti who willlake tsrt irel It hbllv Jt Vaung RdlI PIerceUllllY hIjIltide red 111111 n I 1Chlill I tie 21 1 A lheavy I weight ftnl ottirre 1 wo VIIII 0111011 011 Jr I I ntiul I 21 Iund lit ten round cccii 1 il iii be noIts ott 111100 t thicil here etch I a patrtl iii rotctehtiltIl I eLtbittoii htglt W lit It W I hiwtuey theS urlc tb I tupliit chili I ewluginel i by J 1IIII 1 tuollultert Iraltetelr chatuilliolt or tnsvrita bug StIll tlsnc besillier Ito anti 1 II KlIvor lucy tailor with tiJia story viii ptoiralittle wIhI ahot reillailt J tInt 1 antrucl r fI W IrIr III IhlItriuuheiJ ii IlitIlili t suliatlugis biujo ssitttlttd attitthtiur futuresluulntlllr Ua hun Jlen at IeaccInciirnii Jan saTlie null It Iii 04 ttorlholtlanurtli EtMpie llaieliall Aiioclallou annul the Ioulinhilo UamuallCouipaui on motion the attorney forthe plnlnlllt was dlanlUied tllla luornluif withoutlirejudlo Holb partlea refune tn sun any reason Ifor Iltolr art lion The flIII my blnlf nit the suitagain at tiltC hut till I II ii altideretood I that I ati CutIcItit atljiiitttitttt tIC thu titstte I liii lue a reartid and Ithat t Ibt w III hi tIC ftuIthIr 11111111 i lets sill 11 I III islets s 1h1 1lbo note etockicouders ci upoIIIIItic their wrOdnI lii Istlttttl grounds anti lucy I cow11 Ilb rlIcay Iliad they a hhl luttuedhEshy shape ut I JJt teatu forIIUItAGood Hliuallnc lIb Zettleo UnnKeiiThere was a large I I alb rln tills City llouoleii Brooklyn Newark and Jnr Cityal the tltUr Julie Club ranvra 2tht Hnttcry lastevcnltiK U wn the cloilnt bout of the chubs lItAnnual open Into exhibitionThe ihoollutr on tae II leruian 2 flng target oat remarlahle bet au e the target was oiuifnUbed from theorUlnal ila h Tao liunJre I ticked acre puratiaied forthe bull a eye tariet t and ocI for tIe ritig target Thehnollu waa don off tiaiiil on tie vitiation 75 foolrapine lit winner actTIIn Wing TIIi 7bll 74 7r 1 IIElliot 74 1r 11 Ilorrlor11 II 1I1 74 tcIlliet 73 ir II IVehiJiese 71 14 II 1C0ItnlII73 74 F t Itoti 73 4t Ii 7ettter I 7th 74 I Jartpiit I73 tj I Iiuc bhj1i Steel 7 r I 74 171 t I Il l I72 lii I obuIII il il sod I tlirtjer 72721111 rrlteH lab II i A I1rhr lit Iiyetlltr 14 II duller I1 Mallber 1 0 c wIliirney In I William eiibaniu I l4l i U Pettier0i J HilKlitI 1 and I llauien t SI 1lha nril and trcand nreiulniui roe this moil bulle > ei wire KUU by u ettleraiid K UarlltiTheodore lleek tJ lie Unl Una IIU the HeSolverThe tint tklery revolver and pUtel prla ihool eterheld In I thu city took place J oa Thursday rrlilay andhatnrday of tail week under Ibe auipleee uf tha NewYork lletolter aim Jltlol Club at K bL Mirk placeTbe vtork of Ibe ronteitanli was excellent Theodoralleikot l lie Zetller nine tlub pierced the tarrit lor41 and 4il und recelTed t an elaborate yold medal cmblinatlc fo ICe total chatuplontitly IIlie uinurraor tbe each pried were Henry Gill4H 41 iSwcrJ SIde 41 4H Uarn y Uuliurr I 4A iltorii J K Jan Iron I a Hiihop 4 II 42 Jr le m WaUiiuu It sIllier tiedfur third prize and ih latter wnn nu tlir f h int nffThe fIDIn for the I ben niaticlelt teas aasrdti l loTrfnlii rerk n > ror nf 41 4H cinltlone t4 ereaiiilla 1 ai Kitcrbnt match epic totllatcemrr uiuUrd targot t luintir i riiltlicaiti unlliafl but two lictei to count lor brliia= VIIVUKAII LKAIHt ALT Tuft milHe nut noaenrt fhr the InnlloU SmilingCIIploltlp EsietlyLONDON Jan IOThe International sculllnirrare bolweon lounge llubear tho IiiLllchoarsman and decree Hosmor of DoMon tookplace this morning and wan won by Hubear byabout flvo lengtlm The course was from 1utney to Morllake a distance of about four anda quarter ratios The race wan for the championship ot England tho Sportsmans Challenge Cup and stake ot 400Uubcnrs colors were a red and whiteground with red and blue stripes runningaround the border In the cornura were theUnion Jack and Ito Jlrltlth standard crossedHoxmers colors were n whllo ground with ated I white and blue striped border and stareat Intermediate distances In cacti cornerwero the American ant Kngllsh HUBS rOHI1and In the centre was lIosinerH likeness as hoalts in liln rolling boat Over tile portrait wasthe oarsmans name ahd beneath It the wordslor 1 the chamiilotlslilii ot lnuland IThe rare vae ono of the mot onnshled everseen on tho flume Tho start from rutnuvwas fixed for 12JlI oclodc but It WHB lirj47whun tho pistol was 11 roil llubear ItOhi tilttoss and chose the Surrey side or tho riverIto took the lead at tile t start nnd cnlucil Infart that when the aowp works wero renolidhe was nearly eight lengths ahead For Ihorest of thedlstance the reset was inorolr a procession Uuboar rowlne lelsnrrly ami ouslniidown completely toward the llnlsh HecouM Ihave won by most any llatamo lie ihoojedhut was content to cross tile line a very safedistance ahead nt his nppnnpntllubenr rowed thlrtvceven strokes to theminute while Hosmor pulled thirtynine Thewinner tlmo was J 7 minutes i secondsHotmors tlmo a minutes 2U secondsThe following cable despatch was receivedat tho Wf Ilosmer attributes his defeat hy litihenr tomalaria llo may probably clmllonso liubearto row againThe Coin He on the Iauale Hines Found totie HlioilSince the Pasinla lllvor has bonn frocnovum tim fact has boon brought to light thatthe rnllo and u half racing courso Is 157 feetshoit It appears that the courso has notbeen measured uluco 1877 tint lor some reason the finish line has been shifted up anddown the river tho original mark havinghuron lost Might of A tow days ago EdwardCox Carl Miller and U M Jury nf the ttirolcalloat Club Hfttiroil a surveyors CDloot chainand monaurod tho ooiirfoThe shortness of tho course will have theeffect of upsetting thn Pftsnalu llecutta Associations records as the coiirHO was Himeyedfor the national regatta when hold there andthe titan matin then huts I tllWaVS been COIlslllICrClrreet Cox Miller and HiIT at tliotlmo of moamirhiK tim course marked thinquarter half and mile distances and willerect white boards aliont four Inelios wide atcnoli spot which will In future prevent anydisputeA New Unclog Utile Fropn ed by the Newfork Tntbt ClubThe specIal 1 commltlea on ineanuretuenl of the NewYork Yacht Club wilt make thalr report at tbe anuunlmeeting IbO chile on Thursday evening next Thecommittee which ccnuliti nt Jobn llyilop A CmCanlleld Wllllnm i helm Harold Saniltrion and IIA Wlllard uai appointed to conildcr change In thascale ut allowance which were thoiitht to be neceilacy In vIew of this evolution of the racing yachtrlluitliln the post time yearaThe crtmtultlra reconunenl snma radical cliMip10111 In lew nf tho Hppro > chlnir International entitlefor the America CIII murneft Ihat ni change ba tnailnuntil 1MI4 The committee liae l attempted to protldaal ea rr I 3fur the luimeti eoerbunir or lha nimlern jacln nnlthry alit nttarL tile perplexing problem ot tin and 1bulb kII l > The committee propose that a certainreasonable Incrette be made m tha measurement orbaatu with an Immense mldihlp tartlou which nbaltlaU helper n certain ticrcantare ur the pureilcloiiraiiiw lucIa will I be Incluitid Tine plnn tIle comnmtea befive HOnlil have I untoucbud alt yachts except thoseor the mimt atreica rormaone tlilnir Iml rrrtaln1 tall a wellInformedmember nf the N V V C ynteritay that oti cantilevlae any fair rule hy which n crnllnff y iicht tanbeat a racer IF you do dertto aucli a rule you itaud luthe ft ay or any Improvement ttio ijpo INen of the YHtlilamenOn Sttnnlay tail Lawley lola the Led n t the 40footfin hOt i armltaYachUmen of Brltlol It I are prepatln for tiilranuiial recatta on McmorLU DayThey are lllll niiltatlnit the matter nt bull > lmi a cupboat In Uoiton but 10 far U lies been all talkThe tnentrllflh itnnlvariary of the Kniilh tlnttonYacht Club will be celebrated on tt J ulth S ball aidupperU li I salt that Henry Bryant or Roilnn who weeprominently mentlonul In connection with a cup delender will do all of hli lailliiK next year In the oopfehadow which wa desIgned by the Hvrreiilioffx lit1871 who unlit tbar built Ibo jloriaua neer conttruced a larger sailing yachtCreveent Athletic Clubo WhIst TourneyNearly landedThe flit annual lonrnameut at wlilit ot the CrescentAllileuc Club otHroolljn which was comiucnred onlit 14li now virtually ended r I W Bigelow andiIoa a1 l Hnrton are the leaders In the play for Ihetinze They have but to gilt a ollljl Irtory tocapture the trophlea The Hitmen rontiiiled of nftypoint each and each learn continued In the tournament until It lufTereil two defeat Tha teams waredrawn by lot for tbe lint 10 nlifhti play and In bothor the ml two mull a all the tcaini appeared and 1competed Al his olicinilon nf thy second mum liveteami were drnpneil 1 six more leant went out In thenext round 1ndtr the colic trhw tourney a bj acounted aa a n lctory The IIrt prize are two let seal Ibad the lecond mo try bandiouie nherbarkeilmilitary brittle and the third two silk uuibrrllaiThe record ft I at fuUowitIPim LulK W Blfelow and Howard lIorlell1 6V It Torrey and N 1 lunar I u VK rCronkhlde and II IS B Howard g 2B C s Ild and W fMaiun 4ttllllaui Ford suit nv H Ihompiou 4F 1L la ralle anti II H cnurcli 11V Loener and 5 111 l I Mclutoih aM Irfinnibiiry and Carrolll hint Jr u1 W 11ar2ay ant 1 U K ABoudkn VN I II Ward and i K Oray 2 jjJ 7 A Illanchard I I nrilJ 1 ill e itii 2II II Dounbeny chit 1111 I Kane yA I Clappand K C 5 Ixickwood J >1111111 anil T II Drown 1o h Campbell and tl Terry i >1 t lerquttttr and V Karqubar 1 >111 1 loiter and 1 U r Ulako 1in IIol ort antI F I Thorpi 1 oHl I tekerit antI K Uotla l >II L Lanihaar and rred Himtti olorifi itW tA II llnlden acid I f K Soble II 2Y I T Ijtwrenc and W T lls Inolid n I 2K th Seabnry and W JartitJr uClick Nttthsti and I Hill UThe End of I be Pronpecl llnrriernThe Proipecl tlarrlrn of Broollin cxcbnmiilonrrnnfouulry niliiier of America bate Ulibamfeii anrordlntr lo tha I Authority of a former elllcer of the Harrier Arconllbit tic Tux Siv Inrormaut itrgeitialion contrary general pie dent wue nter Incurlocated 111th Iii lose of I lie crni colist ri iham 11011ship r last g1 ens t i Its Cellar ri t lie l r ii Iteltertlutur etttttlltloth llte 11111 icrut nlnlr plilk 1111libilulun 5 itt litany or Ihl J r rrII1 Ilieluhiere I ttAm1111111 whit tue I rnlla liolll built AIttlll Atbicticjiociailiin and oilier athletic unfauiratioiu brookby 111 hue llarrlira have had an eventful hlttcry nmlwiiiK to I tIle ill Ittude of their t rrenlilHit lihu II I I Mellora irra tOil every alhletlK IIXIII l nut foriKlllii lu I take aObI ci the A A r I lltrirI Wish 10 lack Jtiie announuenl saud TulIhI ilifttrliltt lit a It l itrereut atut Ultel riuJuhittu 111 IeI ruiii arraliging a rrtia rititlhtry ItaitIlirals 1 tithe II I ivIll he itt I ite iOthliCt hlarricri 11 I wilt aLe all lutehell lilotte that a call rallliuraill uonbly ruu thelidS anti lUide ofHporKA electing or the Sow VirV A U Haard of Cotrrnoriwin delI al the I club liqnta lilt I nlTiil I I 1 he m iatittt wa >of the brtrfeit natura Mud no bttinesa tnyoad lhaelecilou ul r a me new inembere wait lraui4CteiTo TIle lDiToK or Ttiv fitovit Tile undirilgncawould like to arrange a match with TII lit f creel l al114iouuili t ulva I or take a pouna In a 1111111 cii numberof riiunili ur tu a flnlih bifora any ilub utterliiK ainllabie hurl eeCiumtr ltueaq National Alhlrllc Club IJack Kelly who rlalmi lobe Ihe i iiauiplm welter Iweigh I or t brh riouth t nrilei Horn I I MII Auimiin lothit tr tIlV i Ha l Ihiit he will nvlil TIIIII Willliiuual Nil Itioundf rice or laLtf two pound in wtlfh at ilnyvideutfora Ibtf I chili ollrllt I lie Ur nll litirse >Aiiiirn lau NII 3 untIl ami Holly I I Iyonn WI hale I been IraluHi I al I Ci I CII lS > stit lialo bern iiblmil IIn mote owina to Ilia until lonililion tiC the rsltlMurphy hal loiated deer iVnlral Ijcl ii tithe lon Iwill put un bu nmibllK toncho al Iitle > liUiidJainei pouilair OWUIT nt thy rtinuliug ijnj rirH7ecallrdat Ihe l4 l tr i t fll i trrdM and laid SlidIm ttniilil inulrb liii clog akAinil Alfied limlni IllmrAihol I I lo run for tb Cltiiattunsbili eullisriuliti I uObrilr jldie A match wilt probatily I lie fnaJe loiuurruvtA rew ortki ago Hob > ll lniiunni declared hint aaInnt ai 111 has bviii iparrlni no bnxer ncr rracbfil bulara In a rrceul rxhlliltlou at Cnlcailii Itnttrter 1rnflieorne i SHir Hi irleran Inixer whu recenllv hid I uto t willi lack UoAulinit Cu l rrediird I at ilh hlitinu I fobhi oil Ihe no and alto irol leteriil cult blue titIhr face and hoilyVluNTHriU Ian f flu irruiiifeiuenti are being madetllr a nerle uf race at Kantror belttfen I eLder HavencultS rrrd Urcen uc Iou Huurn recent I dfleittril atMinnrapohe llrien rlahin tlml Im iVltlid uiltltr di JItd alitazrlnt i Site latter place and be buiiiii1 that hesail thirst llaifeii un SIte llaiitfor track IIadily iorinan Ibe Auirnllnn eeiteJ WeIght tallol rajrl mIIill irtay thai I itt Ihr Coney I r1 will uhtr a unable I jiiirne he uill t liuhl I JI who vailed from lntlanil tail > utnrd4 > l IOIIEIII Ihim a d avi In I Auiiralm attn ycar > atit ilnrmmiadilad and Ibe bailie lanleil tlteiily ills nnnda Illr c hat Cabin if tIle club wont rite a iiur larlby altit tityseiftiVllly Vrrnon of llaitrilaf cabled at tin 111J riulllre I > eaterdatklid halt l that h eel on a Itfiil I whit Auttin ItbtKiln ernun says hatha will be able 10 I Witgf tJOII Oil ISis nutilde If lllltons r ill Iitt ribl him he is III meet auyona at llu IpotindiId Vail one ot the lixckin of jtnrre I > lxon ra > ithat lie I will I miketlie 101lllwilliC agtrii rxie enIhat Hilly lurpliv whlpi Jrllln ciUine > n that Ivniubean llocnn and SOii thai Uiirtr Uon l > iop riitumarln lde of tttu roundi when they meet atUdlion Square Hardenrr UilliiKh the clnilnnnil esther welitht rrrived n Netr is tk oti bundity and I r1m 1 af lha Vrtrntl 4 Ar elites y riter 1lltumrr llu tTuiitp Sir I jf0ii n shir or ir nixou all 14 i > uiiiti d > r Ihe cattic amount He hastr It traluferred to Iba WrcM ia Uclluill I eats thaiJoiiii K Hulllrau l rl him last week trot og sealS takIOJ eria lit lila elak I aat = 4c rTl j l t M1inr inrrKft CATTH ojv connttrrIt rill be Chnmiilon In Ta1kl K If wiserIVIint Ulllclirll Mimt lieRT Iotnn Jan IOIhll Dwyor the wellknown lurfman and Tammany Haehem IMward Kearney took a run up here from HotSprings to see Pugilist Jim Corbott The threemen mot today In tho Southern Hotel nntwero together for Inoro than nn hour Kearney talked after the I conference to TIIR RUNrepresentative about tho backing tar CorboltIn tho fight against bulllvan and said thatthu same men are ready to stand by Corbettagain no matlorwho ho agrees to fight Hearfey further said that Corbetta side stake ofSIOOOO when ho fought Hulllvan was furnished hey himself Ililt Dwyor DookmakorMattloCorbett and John Ituqter the Boardof Control turfman In addition to the pursoCorbett nion received the side slako lor winning al Now OrleansCorbett was soon later llo nld I willfight any mnn In the world next December orliitnmry That is about us early 11II lean expect to grot In thin ring Mv Worlds Fair theatrical vufUKements will keep me busy untilOctober nOel then I will want six or eightweeks to lain After the t llallFltrslmmnnaffair U I over I will iciolvo propositions Hallwill win that flcht bythewny If Jlltaholidim t wont tiny 01 my game ekRoo l or Iloddard can get on a mutch Corbett addedHint alter his iicxtfluht ho will make a tour orthin world giving sparrluuexhlbUlouslii overTcity of note1rnngpd to talk derinllolr about a fight withllltcholl he Disced tlnanolal llgurcs so highand In sucli absolute pnstluu terms thattcarctly any ptiglllt living will bo able to mootthem Ho milii I will light Mitchell withthIn undorHtaudlni that ho puts up 100011 ofthe stakes In one lump sum depositsof Vr > no Installments wont ItO withmo This confounded Enullshman Is askeen an a ferret and If I were to consent to hisdepositing SriOO Installment he toUrIst forfelt to me alter tho llrst deposit Of conrsotills would loin him his SLfiOO hut HIP advertisement he would yet out of It might standhim In good stead 1 Insist thereforo that hehangii un SlUtHH as a first deposit I willfight him fur any sum up to 6BUOUO and before thin chub that offers the largest purseIt strikes mn that thrro wouM I bo morecredit and prollt In my whipping Mitchell thanany other of my antagonists I Mitchell euro In tho first plaen I nrn hissuperior In height and roach and I am perfectly satisfied that no man living who Is I myInferior length of body and arm can masterincMiiutttg u fluttering Hans of President nickionNrir URIMXII Jan 30 There was a row at theUl > uiplc club on Saturday night For louiellina therehas been a iplrlt of rivalry among the oftlcen OnSaturday Ibe Conteit rommlttee had a meeting andthere was a wrangle over the arrangetuenta forthcoming fight The upilnit of the staIr wai that fraildent Dickion itateil that William Scbolt Chairman oflhoContc t Committee and Joseph Bell a member ofthe committee had beau worklitg aahiIit this Interestof the rluh In the malilig of the matcbei Dlokionwan ititndlng near u row of chain u hen ha utteredthe remark and Scholt made a break for him Hecaupht Hickiou under She chin aud the latter KentdownSlier chair and under a table the Ireillen waslirtrd and depoiiteu situ 1 when he utralirhtened up horeceIved another heavy blow which be ana unable toarry > FrIend then Interfered and the men werelIOnel Dlcknon oRered to apologize for Ill 10 remarkbut Scholt wouM not hat ItTlie lluaril or DlriTiiir of the Olympic Club hat decided on ctmriclnif tollowInK prlcee of admission tothe couteit which 1 will lake ulace III JUarclil I Ueharalauuil iion lo tIle Kyanuawaon let to S3 boxei contalnlii I aix chain fl2 General adtulmlon tn the Moiltllenllln lit I ilyht and Itoehcr Ieul I wreitlln thatch32 IIOXPH s10 tieneral admteilou to the brntttidoddart mill Sr boe SIMIanIfh ltyantlanpuiii I I light will II take place on March 1t leand the weivht he l nxed nt lit pnuiidi Tlm winner lato uecein Sr fOlJ SlId lIe liter IliaC On March > lcMlllcn or ttanblntftou IJ I oand lllmliof rrovldcncewill unit for a pur eof fHOO the winner to reechoSiKX hitlu event WIll br followed the came night by achamplunihlp urrntllng match between Ernest Roeberand Ktan 1 ewm fern puree of VlCKiO Ihe winner toreceive tlwxi on MarchSCoddardnnd I id RmltU rillSglit for Sionon the ii ilitler 10 recete IrooJoe luildaril arrled 1 here tod y He wilt go Intotraining once at Blloxl eiirhtytwo mlleii from herell appear u > be In iplemlld condition and almostrradv tn fit a tlie ring HH layn thai be will be prepared lo I tlithl 1 Corbftt Jackson or any of the heavyr t mW trucitfhti three mouths crIer ho iiieiti Ld hbl If hawhirl tie latterWlay oddnrd ThlnUa Can WhIp CortettIn an Interview wltb a San Franclico fnronfee relu > iter regarding I i shlhty to stint nnliihment andlila chancel of defeating Corbett Godilrd 101I think I can whip Corbett OODT than Peter Jackion eon brtnuo I wouldnt let aim rut a momentThey may any b they like about his cleverneii butI dont ronilder him it pincher and A twentyfourfootring 10 I nono too big for ma to oMeh him In Cortiettwai at his b1 when be met Milluan and dnrlnff Ibawhole tttentyone roundi there wnvtit a blowatruckthat could hurt meChoyneki cut me up none than anyone I ever metbut bo did not I lake ul The worst lice lie cauulil mawa on the chIli II was nrtghihamlcr suit It split thetleih ati If I hAd been lanhrd with it knifeMaker U I a ulltt puncher but be dulnt hurt mr anyblow that yet tu t Slut tho juan who can djio me with aHot FIghtIng at Clarendon HullThe Avonla 11 held a flag lOst tight at Clandot Hall The place wan packed I lo Ihe hoots and11010 I a ho attended were treated to stifle exceptionallykot ficbtlng A good programme woe preienleil JackDonev the Haltlmora Spider and young AtkInsonutrelhe llrlt pair to don tha mlta Atler flhithree round the referee called the bunt a drawJerry Karnett and Charley Itarneit hail abot eettoohn Wnllamn and lluda Hornby put up the beltbout of the night In the nrnt round Vi Ihlami assumedIhf atrirreshlte l and puntbed tile opponent very hardI In the I next round i the table were turned and llllamiwent ti tile corner very grocit In the third and tactround Williams bad all I the heit of I lighting and received the award Jack Hopper and Jim Uuiin foughta four round drawThe Coney Itlund Cluhii Next OOerDnll Jan 11thJudge Xluli or the Coney IslandIIUb itus wired IhIlly mllblhe tlollOIl it etr ii unitlIil the rlub ii III ollr a 83 uon Jlllra for a tight btween hlw tuirl 1 TIIUI IIlIIla of Aulrnlla IVihhlainaIi iltil wlth 10 rrom i12tX It 10000011 Ibisouttittielrtttrit NI or 1110 lrIIIIlIy A 1 Writes InSiittt toitte as robIns a Jiii hAulllTu Still I a rllnII cue that lus a oul1 hIke ii mt collIe UnollIglllWeight III on eight lOr Sell rtutttl bt horo lttr eiitl laWarh It I cats Ittake satisfactory rronIII1I1t ni lthhllll I will Ike Jm hairy a IIIII uhlr to Soul Jlro111111111 suCh a rititleutGeorcp Mlildona situ Tntk Nkellv Slutrliedrieorge PlWcni the crack taIlor weight of NewDrleaut nt Ito lought tIc a draw 1 lome limo ago ulthrddy fierce tlgne t arllclri of agrerment yailerday tulight Jack Kkelly of llrooklyn at m I ponnde before thunhley haitunul Attilelic 2titMJ I utltreThe 1 light ulll be limited In I forty mouth and In canethe tight laats l the lull limit Slit rrlrrea will be empottered I to render a drculou at Ibe I mnrlutlon Thariinleal Hill therernrr bn ifuteriird bj polnii andleail and tile irlueiput wno I ritubllihcH hi will regal ce Hie I oiiia >Hetldrithiianuir the nrogrammo will alio containtt u other tttuelu tf eight round i nth lih i edt inlildleuulhll both ot H hlrh precede the tar el elllVIII Not Hue Corbrll for llulnacrnCiiiiiiii Ian 10lre > ltleiit IraiAlln rf Ibo CorbelTheatrical and ratillou rout Ito ti nu a ca 1 5 Hint I thecompany alit not me the ibumplun ami his hackerfor UUOUAO t ve launot uohl Hem I In niiy ii A >IVfildrul Kanklln added Tinroiilrai 1 linn been 1 let 1and Ibeblilllingalid I liatlllon ttlll be i rerteil unuii I Itolilaniailiiptiiivw ma > ircnre Cnrlutt for a perlml ot ill 1 > eLi andvlll mi In Hlihoibrr nuu illy eiriHiic ullrat hush I utnot think 1 Ccrbett uould I bute piotnl it flrauiuii I rordthe enasoti through 1 e 111 > hopu lout I he Mould lintlilly Inauyof thavlty theatres but It uuld gin e ui hisertliai excluiivclrMoore nd Hue ell to Klubl Titenly I RunAsolo In I llro ofareeitlcllt fur a twetalyround glove Conical hietogeul hotly 1 111111 or IbhtiliC Ad rrall luore if t 1 Iitueblu Stilt bn siglieti I110 nlllt alIt tit I Lv 5iltit iteitro tile AIIuol A IIlii IOIIIy cveti1i I lI 2 1 Thu 1tulrtie 1 Isi I III Its aOlall1 a plus I et tiC 21241 LThic liIti tlttiut ii curia 1 au touiiti5 lit Ih riliuisihe111111 iiili 10 u I ciLel by 111 I I Ii Vi iii hers UI lhruotiytilIb Ilunilliiill CunrlaII hui not bern in many run ttt when this athleticitrugKlet I ietiu ecu TIIIIol ar > ami limerick arouurd allIn Uml According tn aiuii pimi IrIsh authorltleiTlprary carrIe tO ihe iulin bt retilttt of her footballlctory lu Ihe lush cut matt li betucen the Inn cottalies Miice Ilien iulie u nuiubrr nf rital albltteihalO cellist III America anil tint a few of them can be1111 In New York and HrooViyn Four of the iblnlngllilila m1 fuee tie fee at the IIL II HanIInil I tubschurl ysileida aM the tectilt 0 55 II itcun aricihunelll1 its 1lIurt iileti ciatiiieih 11111 I jIItrt I t ISiS i ha CI rlur1 luaU itlilierti 11t their iII I1I 1IwlJta ii i cry 11111111 I tic IrhirVCtilktli Cs ut oJ1It 5 rsluie I IllIe Is elitiST I IliaC III laeriyIIW allalall litilturloilt iteii 1011 5 JIm tasti IritituII lie or IAI oh hull alll lultUe have stint a I 5 bniittii pehleti III uilttiiti hetige 1I11Ir1olrlOru 5 i iii lIlor Inile III I II I I orMI 111 to jil lii 11orllkpr S sititliti al 100 111 ball 1111 Ih strttfgir I will tate1IAoU I his aft rtitioii at I lie Uruu I II S Stilt Olltl Thusoiiesluiitl itlIC L I oJr I Modl iiitl haIti IItoroit It tf 1lll1trorL ii 111 lrild e lit 11th 5 1 lIrlolialiil 1 Mite 11111 iii Jhti 1I11h1I rolball ClUb Whoni III II yluitd hun I iiuititr u IIPPrufIlacc Ulh 11111 lIullllplu Jielit two cleveriiitiyrc icC iili I railricili iill nUIlOII 1111 24 lit eurecuf ali21 I IIf aiil 1 114 AtIUlIlu the 0sf4 of t L pJ ciii I cubit Ja huts Cilhituier furthe terpose 01 srrartgliig I a pialtia wIth ettber I Siiy I cclas IrXMlInm Mafduir imnuiu 5Li lied all lieI boil ailoliii I helnc a better pUyirtium Jeiu h Shill ICtI leMrdayIIi Ir rrW rmb ilclratnik the Hull I all aillil tery handily r Ibilutcr acuted itloat In euti ill 1 ai ti lu ibree gamesAlllou the nwnTI J1allhn 1101 Iult ot hhhoakin will boldtheir In tililllIe attiittah II ltehtltOtt Lit A rCtii llshi I to1 Juiiirrew ulltl ilsi tue e e turusi 4taiaitla I httat hitilt I I WII ijue hlr recplo sill lb situle 11111 the lccuuaIlterli Ilouse1h tlrel Huhoroltn Duet CIIIIr the llerem ItorWill 110101 their ulIlI1 luh1 bail tie 1IIIr1 TII0111 iflloD lalllrdy OIL beiest OCIRI are 1111four 4c Jite lest Iha mists soil 4lirg fiug IIIIlaan Tue loSers will be selected froati auaata IIIW3MIllIlIb I IM fOmhiters sijka diOcteat oiaeagiati Organlzilleuiiran caAttfioxstiii no STAT nlllIrBrooklyn Crack Club the UoreBenten In be A St V Toar iomemtThiOernunU Aueuibly Itnonc allays were laud totbelr utmost capacity loot l niilit with bowling mentram thIs cIty Itrooklyn and Nevjertay They wereattracted I tbrre by the irane bOth tn Ire SpartanOrchard thrIll for lint second alit thIrd prizes ma well as lie hamplouihlp of the tourney The Monarch reIgned favorKM In the nrt name but lout lo the Orchardtythenarrow margin of four pin ihroaufc tbir many debtinnate splIts In the 1 sloth suit eighth emyThe excltamenl went to a very blub hItch when thePparlani ouil Monarch took the alloy tar th ateonitlittle TIlls game was wro by Mia Marten alter atloii and aicltinr battle tIle acainiruir ututHoitmcit cKcniBiv1 flM x H soThrae i n 4 IM Tirana U et > 2 174iroiiaiiia8 n 4 111 iiuck 8 n 4 IMloeniermnn4 2 4 101 linriiboli 4 n 1 2UZrrei 2 r 3 ltd Hnlltrnklu 4 II i IStiLiUrliacii r L 11 IIKI wilkmi 2 U I 2 170TotaLs 17 1 lli 62T Totals iT TlT B2Wrn MonaUh712 1D4 2ls rvxi am 47fl MI no 741 R2SIrdilard110 1BJ 2IIU 313 40J 4M7 6711 till 7S4 HJlumpirep u La Due BoortriW Toluriaan and BK llat Idunrona eusspaRrow ansapell1 lynee l lLltriThom 3 4 4 143 Thyne 11 II 1 1814 It 173 krtnlOga3 2 51 2215Vii ii 2 ti 240 lleemluruiist 1 r t lIstPulge 5 4 2 201 ii lb 127boiiwacte1 7 1 11112 Lsbrbach It 2 it 1121Totais iitoiti 8211 TolsJi202U3tJ 7415haleFtiarian 102 107 2Rii ud 410 484 n77 caR 7rt ROMonarch 7ti lAJ ju Ml atlil 4411 hUt itol mil 74UItnplreUeorge kchinlll Hcoreri A Pleveri and CN Davidtman cocaoldIJoes4 p i g t ciwlimp 4 Ill rlinm lb it 2 ilettiock I 12 4 1121 Bruekert4 hi I 2112tilttlilola 2 r 1 11111 inrtett4 I 1 lIlaliUilWltlkIe 2 It 12 jell 7 2 IltJilhkeno 1 U 11 151 Sdhwcke0 7 10 307TOlals1021110 7128 Tolals1427 ii 1107reuseOrchard fill Ill 232 27H 3H7 442 Ml ala 101 7KRhiltartalitot IOT 2hl2 3IIU 471 fill W2 714 810 8117trnplre 11 C 1 id lie BcorerlA Bleveri and WFolteuiauThe Ulendale were beaten ty Ilie InJepenamti andManhattan in the Academy tournament series lastnillit The icoreiimr CiimtltDPINDVty LINDALUfV 1 JJ eore u i 5tnhtiiner 2 11 12 133 feItwager0 2 54 3115bathe 0 a a 137 4 3 112ihimin ii JOt Nrrlrtic 2 SI ti 140bSalhruu Is a a 1811 Ktuecbllng2 St S lab5 I 234 Isitsi1 0 1 125Totals 42323 712 Totala bloll tillwe usc osGlenduis 112 1211 11112 257 31211 31i 431 1242 rO filllndeptudsnl 85 fIll 2113 258 364 42 4117 004 11315 714tmplrr Charlei U King Bcoreri FfrobmsunandM Itothicbllduacoxo cuesMLMnurnc QLIeDAt1tI II loine c IL wSlab I a U 361 Pehwser 2 6 2 lIltialagtlh 1 11 II 12i1 kreter 1 1 11 3128Ititu 1 51 3 14n Frertcls 1 5 4 1441 FIeitl 12 1 210 hoechItig it a 4 3120blchihclats 2 7 1 182 Valet 3 1 7 1111Total uc i1i Totals 15212J 734NoelMnbittin64 104 2314 831 418 02 aits SIIIi Isa callClientele07 141 223 312 PUS 440 1220 107 1107 721ttnpiteJoeepia Teiuioin iorem F licitrayicksEa IretitasnaCHIlD C1HEthcvgrgvltrcy axitay TL711 Sctr M 3 ft leIgleiner a 2 171 Sisti c 3 377tache 4 8 II 282 4 171Lehttnaia 1 7 2 3113 lIlt 2 T 1 211bVaibriin 0 1 4 141 1 Fielit2 51 4 170ii Ii 171 Schuhichate1 7 3 letTotal 1024311 833 TotsIl31311 II bdlmoanindependents IDS 203 suz 4ss KII KDB ceo 701 hillManhattan80 lCD Sltlu 804 440 BBS 041 712 780 WITUmpire Mr VakL Scoren L Lowtnbert ana KFrobDmBnThe rearlen Club were defeated by ts Monroe ClubIn the opening rime in Carrutberia hreoklyii bumsinent last nIght but they hut the A II U Club 111 thesecond yam Tbe iconrim CIKINov10 riSirseacJLc4 3 172 8 itclroyt 7 JJbtWliittleeieyla hI 2 lilT 4 II 2724 r 384 Aukamp 1 a 4 liiLout 2 4 4 3511 2 51 152Lansbarry4 4 2 3111 0lSrEbrey0 1 2 189Totals38 l 23 635 lelals12 21 17 oef KANtsMonroe 107 1P4 27D RV 42A COR KH7 652 7M 83Hrearlen 7t IbO 2II 84U 414 4814 r72 U4U 727 sealUmpire iCharlii K Starr bcograQ T Bwlmmand 1 r Pbllliiaitcoso cmLee YZuiLzun t JI 1o 1 S fl FairelIons 2 4 4 1112 S McElroy it ti i 3sl4 0 241i7Iebt 4 4 3 1811a 4 1021 AU11m5 4 4 4 14tJiadieu I 4 II 334 Paine 1 1 4 347bV Ilual4 3 4 170 tlIlgblruy3 5 S 2113totals201823 Totals 122414eeocA BC 72 US 232 007 3S4 441 Bid Ml 167 732learllll UU IM 2SU SIt 4U8 4bl > 6tU 1161 0 744 822UmplreW i MoOn FcortriK K 1earion antI JVan TamilTile South Taw Club defeated the Tin Rnlgbt teamlaid night In the Hection U lines or Ibe A A I1 touroauieiit by tile following icore l5oct11 CAW clv catGuttt eovJenkins6 1 3 377 tnilerton I 1 130latiijall4 4 2 3811 Itasltleta 4 A I ititubsgelliue 3 5 4 1113 4 4 340hiciiaela0 1 4 Ittli ft It 341Ileeracitetik 2 2 Ii J27 Gotol 4 ii Ii 173V i i i i Total14 18 110 771nuNsfAith Iawie6 170 241 SOT 4IH S07 CfiO CS8 TU 703FIll night u2 iru M4 noi aht t Implrn It Krrkowlrtr hroren L UurnarJ andJatat MarrIn the gatos between Its Noun antI lerostic clubs atCarruubers alleys list iuiglil iii lit 8rciuit 1 scriilf I it A A U Iltarulaljlelih ttoIIi dhutti were let au thetitilti rralhie Ati eaSes fraitie ala mohieti the Ferattiielututluud t0 anti Si Eeittteu tIll bite lallerteunt whiattiogby a botal acor of 11104 0 081 lie unmetretoNiCtifleteeIlirkok 2 it 2 hill IVell a 2154tV lisglstiisa 2 II 2 11411 lcliauttahd4 a 11 3811111gm I 1 II 213 ItIbea 3 Ii 1 IhitlManualS 4 8 8 215 lIme n u 8 2 252t laiiton It 7 1 3U1i 3 4ToialeI27 11 liSle Totals 1112022 1001soilPeclc H2 ISO ISO t > lhi 417 C42 14H 710 HIU 103 181iiitti lila lilt 211 3Hli 441 rl12 122 IIUO 78U 1KIJ 1OO4tiltpireC ii bWsiie > iIcorrsJ II illy andTituuaa CurliThe Junior team of the Harlem and J riy Ctly YXI CA branch rolled the opening game ut a sides at haliiiirri alley nu raiuiday latl rba home leani wonbulb gsiatre esieily lli scoresmuss stoicJerierClly Clarke 124 hle1nn ir3 Inca loaJeniiiiig lilt fcttald 17H Tulitl 2WHarlem Craupion 114 Kiltie him Rogen 121Carpeuttr iliaC blind J 20 JotalGUSIIOOAD GAWKJersey CiIjchsrke huh B Newtou 180 Lucia 1671JrnnliiK idJ hwald I7V Total H17Hitrliin lidgrr Cramplon 118 Illlnd 122 total hidThe Fllrabeth Field Club defeated the hItachi CailnoIeutti oil ha tttrday en e liitig hi the hubS ithii sioU IMlMlMlll KlildClubloblll 12H Illekal le3 Hellncr Ill llorrell 1411 U Meter iw latie liiititutuca lIlt liartir 1511 It leads 1d4 ilPPVhitI bill 151412Itomlle Cailno UcQuold IM Orerei 177t Haw141 CioL lab Huillb KM H Ilinedlul IlU U Ilibbutrtl Ill il Heedict IV2 Mulford JW Werner100 riiai 31253The bowtlog IOUrflaIlheutt at this it U Ii A alivslhnltlaiu Itis just cutlet Tbe ire tWeUJyoItiiaaui enlrr d harts uisi rolled litre asatue This setcacti who rohiett lilt highest eirajs Snit ieb WIth taniDel for the ten 5iriuei ollered by tie asaoclalloti arIi II Tlioltietlil 1112 ii iterrtaii 174 hI llher 1ttfl1 hlOdtl luiJh I Illiber 154 ty litCLWioti 11252T MamiHIl l12tat II litorhla jtul V Siegfrhetl l4iuJIi i lalor HojIlowllUB liaise ToulcUtiIslhlOt National TocsaaercrFidelia v > Aialanla Kill I Vird vi llnlden nodGolden llod il linenlal oriental va Hflh WirdAHAtklS AIIOllAriOIhawark Bay ra fcllabilli A U al Newark Bay abl aIlotillnc Uol >A mealing of rftli er of lection it lUbdltliion I rrthe American Amateur Hottiiug Cnlon vaHbiijji ibeHarltiu Itritblii all Siuti Ic West Irn ctet utnulit C The Illoiiinlngilaieii and tIriru Ii era anniiuiicrilu 5 tho club In reprvivnt I he iritlon in Ibe I final lornnv > The limit prlre 551 irerrnled lu Iba Uluomiiudill Afuiiiuiiilce waiairo mid luiunb te a uricfol tie itllsfhe Mohaitk and Coluuihii ten men learnt will roll aseries of ccauieo lilt ihe cart Uambrldne aiim a conirrlt utrlue untO llnlnbrnlge ttrett llruokltu lu Ucha Ito rfltla evening rcb 11ti ler Try lie Ire for u SpurtNiwllviMul Jail 30A noich spud baa been InIruduced here by nlieelmeii The lie on the llarllanHirer liaibftn in niieircllen contlliliin hoc ioai limeand today there appeared on Hi turlai a about half adoien bicyclers who wIU pnaumutlcllrcd lafelleiuiade cur > tail lime U li expected llt there will tia la uiiinberol doling rsres luuiorrutt iiud It muy beSlat tb i Irocrantltse will b dhtanged aol a few buqrierIte CIt his suhtiutc4A Nortvellana lllu lumpCHBISTUNU Jab uUIn the snowshoeDarby her tod y Jlout Itoll a Norwegltnlisped seventy fist Ic a runnlnc jump contestV V1BROOKLYN FDMITDEB COMPANYClearing Sale of Rattan Rockers at a Big Discountt R VHIIcU E idr iiaot = n1tTro174tiheitL 100Vrt V IlW0 iVVS3 wcxtb 08 SiGo with S7t iI IctaitkI 33rt4I VirI4 tSOOO Aroxtlx Q S ovortlx SOAll of the above are firstclass RATTAN ROCKERSperfect in every wayBROOKLYN FURNITURE CO553 to 571 Fulton St Brooklyn IV YTO 3IAKE A TEST CASK AT TALKTbe 1nderradnat Itiilrlo lie llca eil atn MeetingNEW hAVEN Jan 10Thto discussion overtim undoreraduato rub at Valo has assumed aDew phase ThIn mornIng Prof IL L IMclmrdsWho iii lie one member of the faculty who alWays takes a deep Interest In athletics calludtho cactalns und inuiia ora of tho variousathletic teams together and had u lone tallwith them rctanliuc tho now rule Iroflllcluirds Is Raid to be the father of the ruleand his Influence In rolleco athletics la 1 doingmuch toward keeping tho interest at a feverheatThis afternoon It was announced that theofficers ot tho football association have calleda mooting of tho members of tlio university todiscuss the situation It will be held InAlumni Hall at 7 oclock Wednesday ovenlntrThis action in somowlmt unexpected andBrown out of the stand taken by members ofthe law dapartment who arc ilUoatlslled withtha undergraduate rule es applied to baooballWlilla the large majority ot undcruruduatosare In favor ot the now iiilc thoro Is a handBomo minority who are oniiosod and tho otitcomo of pdnpAdnVs incullnc IK looked forwith interest If tlio university decld H thattho baohnll mnniBoment Imvu acted Iccallymatter will go on ns nciv scliciluled und thelaw students will Io dobnrrcd rom jilajlncbaseball if otherwise tho itttStiot ollleorswill rc ipn lhiet inn Iro lilcnt and Nanaget N II Kwnynu VlueIieflUKnt K T hillsAssorinto Maniicor Ii It hKiunor KeoretaryJenkins rrplilii I T 1 lIlies If the footballassociation Imvo acted lllLuiilly all thin otherassociations Imvo dunn till sniiic Jt Is wellknown that les caiitnln of thin crew amiJtogori maiiucer have tliolr t roslnallonRready tile moment the miiUTMty doililrs thattiluir stop was an unwarranted om Jlofllt ofthe football association will uluu full Into lineTho freshmen nrnw got lo wurk todnr Hiidwill bo under tlio cluireu of Tniit UoetchuiR oflast years victorious crowThis afternoon licull of tilt varflty juiceianhh nine took tint frechmcn nut for a lonerun About fort cnnill 4 hie iiresuntcdthamselvus for potltlon nn tlm foamAloii A htiiLtr tlio I old pltclior uf alo andnow professor ol nthlollen to thpfhlonso Inverslty has Invltud i HID t I Uilt liiboball I I tc I enter u contest with I i ntlunolliKvo I nud tmim IIwhich Is to titko placii nt tint I I i ttnrldh ittl 1 thIshuminor Kliiac is l thin Worlds 1 aIr 1ulhamlueklnner havIng tlm nmttiir In rhnran CaptBliss ot thu Viilu team litu duollned Iho luvltiilionA WoiHniidMenll toinnilltcornr lie 31 ACThin affairs of thu Mnnhnttan A C nro fitlll Inan unsettled Iomlitlon Xothlna was accomplished at the rncutlni last nluht cxrept theappointment of n Committee on Ways umlMeans composed of llowiul McLean f MMnxwoll liiienJ Iirle I hI TomnKlns WW Bryan lioJorlPk H Hnillli mid AlbortDavisIloeelver Andrew Trccdnian and S H Sterncounsel for tho receiver wero preccnt its weroalso prnmlnfl I mumlifisof I tin t tub I und a majority ot thu Hoard of lioxninnrxThu Ways nml thcti SIC Comtnlltoo I I will I inertagaIn tonlcht and eontlnuu u illMtisslnn InItie tIIuiI loIs of makintr I I 11 i hu Intl try nrraiiKomontH with the creilltoiii Ktrnlvur Jleuduiimontored upon Ills iliillci yosterdavllitc suIt hiniiuht by A Ihelln Ir and C OIdflln I to I forcclofco tlm I lint niortuiiKii Imndu ofS40IIH illil nut worry lilt ineniherR In actllcesr Mirll Storn uml tarr eproH > eiltho opinion that tho notion hy tha Unllns wma good thIng for the Cherry DlnmondsIVrlrrn Allilrlr Its He lojalrirclintton I tiC arti sec itrl it hiilly amoni the Weitcr11 ml vtl It iirifntifzal joiif urn irutirv in I HIM VirhihtsI air t atitt Ijil a biett cotta Itlilillatti I lest erila1beerciar tt IC 0 1 hitihil i oh Or i ii A A I i eciiU alint ill iihihiiti Itill S ttllh ecrvtiiry Chttrls 3 lbIRifle ofI lie ttl riO A c Cal ion sI au lily t Ii at llte lhiiciigts A Abud hrrn eii led ti > memb hliln lliil dutilcl of iheA A r S Thus reuuitvea ibv only nlmarlnin the a m oftue Chi ki A A inkiiiK ihiuvr or ibe luiilerrorlllptia hr ihie iltiglualluital I liKrllliif on Hct ll iJsitS ill healiinn lull if i Ida ronrcrenre ulih llm A A I man Ilull K hue hi New Intl A II r > p dliiKli endeati rlnfIn inliHr ibti i Wcrll c liilr I I ilitlliililhtrro i II aVitheir olhltiib nauip Ii mo nllniu II IK litooriltI all himint lu liii IllIcIt iimiinunitatloi thosacs on ubjitl lbI titItl lot hhbuijof uiuftltiug audi it retJres Jr iiititeehlttui itere titt ltimclb liar Utit4tClllu lii c I 1111 iieiit sf itiiittcy 51 it br Ihiuse a Ito uitus t cIliuJI IIii sill airtlune Stir iibtiy ltt3 utit liteFii liii iit itoaiul II iouol ha is iliititii I teir suites II I I Cu 114th rJ I iiiIii Ie a 11 sriilii lair ii itch a oti lttltriuiclioitti uiilii tile arenitlil I lve Iiitl II I tat such t eritihiti IttilWIll lie gritulleillii uttigitiat lute was lit liii s io iii tiul t tiuhitI lie crltia Iulr OIiilihiJ hiutl it a a hittid I It t I rwuitill Ie iii CItitaiie Siliurl tCIielitt It Ill11urld I itr I lillilhitat htiliet a il ItlJltili tt II iii SheiitIellitit tutu roltllies cutileelei iiii 111th i Uiti litWell trIll alleledea trittI 511 iier tI tttiii ii a aCrest Ititilalli Ii lb Utelillf cuhitujob th Iu aiieady alaitlctttil attICcaiJii fur > Vr lfjuui rixiiliiill iiililnIliumITIIWX t Jan lIt lha I member o tiu t I Iieiaiifiiiitbjll icim met ilil ufuin Si > in tin Id t a belt 3elir A II IroUY 11 mi I u 1 UJ n > itt i tjonulls i iit i ami bus name uill he l > pretniuil lu lIeilrMtluiu Ahl or > Cuiiituiii tur II ut jiitrual leu t I iIsa srs ii il iiliver but Inn il lililie lu II t tjilatiu I Itre iiil ji > irWl I li llm i iin ul llu l ce Itlil III UpuxiUlc hat hId clciiiuu ii liiut tic 11th l icl 1lileu IllrCJllI I I I ia rmlii dillVhttI1H I AKNK 3tl Jan Jit lTiloraublhg0aljTtiswtII a rvbUlrnt if ltClIllithc Nlliivniiton county Vu went tn thu I linuso of NcihIlullnrd u coloiuil man on I lous Jxlnntl I Haturilny nluht to suet Ienli llnlbrilu 17yiiri iriuuuhlir Tlm hrh ici > iiiliil rorii intik I Ijiaslyhihl iiimln ami u iimincl follmv il 1 Tamiillievitniu no eiirnri > il UMMII n Mn i il1 i I inl i i Iilnil Iwith hut lnutliltf tint I I lunlrov ihnnl I I ltoMiril I Ihim ttnsi whllo linKlln lIlt necl hn forccl r plsul Into her mouth undblew her hrulnx nut Tlio mother tavc hisalarm but this murderer UCCRMC Into Irlntt 1A posse went ID uraull but lulled to cutcli lilio IViINSTANT RELIEFroit COLD IN THE HEADiCORYZONCATARRH AND Hy FEVERSOLD BY ALL tlRUOOISTSm nnoomTKf INSTANT RELIEFJ FOR COLD IN THE HEAD CQRYZONCATARRH AND HAY FEVERSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSIN BKOQHYKEndorsed by Cnincn PtiyticilnlVEIlS RXKCABLE TO USECORYZONCtn be recrUit In the pwkeli mailed 0to any Address for tiC cantaORYZON CO New York CityLOST FUO3I TllK VOLLKCT1O1T 1LAIXrider IVIIIinnm Pat In a SIOO mil hat ItVn al T tor re IVuen tlie Count Wa MauleThe raemhors ot tho First PresbyteriaaChurch In Orane aro not unfamiliar with collections They always contribute when thedeacons coma around with the plates and asa rule they think nothlnc ot itHut hero was n collection a few Sundaysaero that Is still fresh in their memories Thecollection was for the benefit of the foreignmUfllonB The lov Dr II M Storm the pastor had delivered an appeal for liberalityThe clatex Wore passed by Doacon WilliamTow no William Ilanch Iho Treasurer andDoacon liobert 1 Williams The appeal madeby tho pastor soenieil to havo the desired effect for It was apparout that the collectionwoulJ he a large oneAfter the services weroemlol tho three mennnmid counted the money and Elder KdwardH Wllllamf a dealer In lightning rods at 134folleuo placo thld city wltnossoil tho countWhen thin count wax finished Mr Wllllcmicavoallttlunluh anti Inquired what they madeTt Mi llench told bin IThem was n SUHi bill In one nf those pilesArasntthere Mr IJeachr Iiiiulrod Mr Will19 JillIUIIIHNo I dont think BO rcpll d Mr HearhWell that1 funny huhl Mr Williamt for I put ono ID Jiiother Toil nos plate myselfA careful sonrch was mrido through thechurfth but thu bill wa not found Homemombcrfl of tlm congregation think that someono who Is an nilopl wIth bin llncors workoiltIm Hlmllain camo on Deacon Jowno whilethin plate woos iiisnod Dr Ktorrs thinks thehill zloty have illopped on thin floor If suchwa till rase aMtod Mr StorrH wouldnt Itbn an easy innttwr for soms roollfli yoiinrt person nr homn child tn pick It Itt nnd rmylni tohlniKiiK Flmlinus LeetiliiKkoun It and soynolhlne That could auhiy happen and uoono would bu tilt wiser14ClaOXV Titrtr iun LIBElrildeuco Bit1iit lie Mini Who Called Ctishin Irrnnim TntkiiimcThe trial otLonlft Jnikson till pospd VicePresldeiitof tho UoncrosalIon JlethJacob InKenii street WllllainHbiiruhforlibel In hayingcirculated slnnderotiH Rtorlns nbmit thn President of thoconcieciitltm Louis Schwartz wamodified In tho Leo tsclh00 iollco Court yeatorilny attornoinMeyer illboit vho was oxpnllod from theponurPKation about flvo years ago was a witness forJmkHon HutoBllllcil to charges thatwero mnto asaliit Kehwnrtz ht7 SImon Fruedoutlml tu llm IlTcrt that tichwnrtz opened th >poor boxeM In the fcynnctuptamiiul UotonborK Iraac Torelk LeopoldHarriet lh proipnt 3iptuy Hod Unit until tho impulsion of Jackson a fewvuiiltx aun forrallliiK the trustens who wereItiHtriiiiiiMtil In limlnullabbl Hyman llosenbcra oiihlid jnckuOt ami slmianskye 5linnlinl h I I novir hiurii of lin rues being madttUtiIItt tihiWnrtr1 II al I u loot I I ti t yysKfyoii his JoclMon 1 alIt1 rliliil In tile coniilir 11KBim tend Home oftIlt VlIflacehtu whit ttolhisttl In FchwHrtr behalf f liuil I a lluilv h I itt ii II uI tnt und It looked atOMB time us if blows would bo utriioLIr1IxIu ills NlSTKJIlflAir S2111 Isohilaeia Soy 5h ieit Forced Iula > IeXluriliiKi 153 oUonOn Sunday Josopli IlEcli ned U2 i wasmart led I lo his 1111 I nrnla jit n tile Adlerilniiilhter cit Isaaa Ailli nf il VntliInRtoMiMiil Xrwdk JUch Is worth porhapi fOOono ant Is 1 JulOlil itt o tIlig i II Ii ire littlitistell I I t him a i > earold Iuuuhlir I p nil hie wifehn 1 bioii di i I ml 1 cirnii I iirs IH I I han lived laAd mn hnxi with liii ulilet Ih Iniinly illS luuui ililiimliifil upon Ills marn iti > t i Iliinlr 1 tiliri lu I Jit tot ii uldI iihf rolluTn i fifd IiM thighit that he wasItt II Ii eti titl to I I inniry I In r by thiniU I I I t of sulildnon iln aJlh IIT iiiotlu > and that they threatened toiKiUun him no vullVliovtjjwaus OoodsVimjy ri AVHfKKVfMYrNJiiSION ri It CII hllsJ P45 ItIllS 5401LIE VIa100 VfaV i

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